Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Adventures of Ghondar at Work: Vol.1

(Yeah, this is a repost of something I wrote on WCM, the first posts will be like that, and then it's all new material... sadly).

I work in a Help Desk for a big airline every weekend and holidays, so I can't complain about the amount of work, to be honest. But I can complain about my co-workers.

Picture this: A big fucking office, completely empty, except four seats (including mine). So, we try to seat together, just because it's very very lonely sometimes (and that phrase will get another meaning soon), and we use the free time we have to chat, and have fun.

There are four people in here (we are six, but the rest aren't working exactly with us):
1) Michael: Cool but pervert.
2) Steve: A guy who speaks in another language enterily. And I'm not so sure that it's from the Earth.
3) Myself
4) And Susan: The little bitch from Hell.

Why, you are asking, I describe her like that?

It's because I hate her.

It's not like the way I hate techno music, or Uwe Boll. This is pure, incredible hate, born in the bottom of my heart, and fueled by everything she does or say. Everytime I see her it's like that episode of Friends, where Brad Pitt hates Jennifer Anniston, but without the fucking at the end of the show.

Susan, a few months ago, was fucking a supervisor. That's nothing of my business at all (specially the "fucking" part), but she insisted, and I mean, really insisted that I should know everything about them. Everything.

She complains that he uploaded to facebook (really) some old photos. In those photos, John (the supervisor) was with her ex girlfriend, the girl who lived with him for 8 long years. They broke up 9 months ago, and it's been four since John and Susan started dating.

The conversation goes something like this:
S: But he should (emphasis on should) know that I hate those photos
G: Did you tell him?
S: No, but I clicked in one of the photos the "I like" part. know it's ironic
G: So, let me see if I understand, you complain that your current guy, who isn't your boyfriend by the way, you are just fucking him, uploads some photos to facebook where you can see her ex girlfriend, the girl that was his partner for 8 years, the same girl that had some serious shit with him (marriage plans and all that), the very same girl that dumped him 9 months ago. Not only that, you expect that he should realize his mistake by reading, in an ironic way, some shit Facebook has?
S: Yes, that's about it.
G: ...god damn it, I hate you. You are everything that I hate in a woman.
S: You are so cute, G ^^
G: I'm dead fucking serious
S: ^^

Please tell me that I'm not wrong and she's crazy. Or retarded. Please, give the the hope that not all is lost with the world.

Or a That should work too.

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