Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm going to get fired for this

G: Hi, thanks for calling [Name of Help Desk], How can I help you?
User: Hi, my name is X and I'm having problems with my phone. Can you hear me?
G: No, I can't hear you, sir.
User: Oh, all right, will call you back later then.
G: Sure thing. Have a nice day, sir.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's going to be a long day...

G: Hi, thanks for calling [Name of Help Desk], How can I help you?
User: Hi, my name is [Name] and I want to make a report
G: On what, sir?
U: My Microsoft doesn't work
G: Your what, sir?
U: My Microsoft, kid. Don't you know what it is?
G: Sir, Microsoft is a large software company that makes a lot of programs, for example, Microsoft Office, or Microsoft Windows. I need to know in what software the problem is, so I can help you.
U: The Microsoft, asshole. Are you retarded or something?
G: Sir...
U: Let me talk to your supervisor
G: Sir, I'm in charge of this shift.
U: FUCK YOU. *hangs up*

Friday, March 11, 2011

Conversations (Episode I)

Ghondar: So, you are cinema fan, right?
Random Girl: Yeah, I like a lot of movies
G: For example?
RG: Well, the matrix movies...
G: Go on...
RG: And that movie with the guy.
G: Guy?
RG: Yeah, the guy. With the beard. And he spoke in another language. The one with the controversy and the blood.
G: I have absolutely no idea of what are you talking about.
RG: C'mon! You know, that guy. The Jewish one.
G: ...The passion of the Christ? Is that the movie?
RG: Yeah, that one!.

Good luck I had to leave early. Although I would love to hear her description of the Matrix.